Book Review: All the Stars and Teeth by Adalyn Grace

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Title: All the Stars and Teeth
Series: All the Stars and Teeth #1
Author: Adalyn Grace
Genre: YA Fantasy
Edition/Pages: Paperback, 416 pages
Goodreads / Amazon / Waterstones


As princess of the island kingdom Visidia, Amora Montara has spent her entire life training to be High Animancer – the master of souls. The rest of the realm can choose their magic, but for Amora, it’s never been a choice. To secure her place as heir to the throne, she must prove her mastery of the monarchy’s dangerous soul magic.

When her demonstration goes awry, Amora is forced to flee. She strikes a deal with Bastian, a mysterious pirate: he’ll help her prove she’s fit to rule, if she’ll help him reclaim his stolen magic.

But sailing the kingdom holds more wonder – and more peril – than Amora anticipated. A destructive new magic is on the rise, and if Amora is to conquer it, she’ll need to face legendary monsters, cross paths with vengeful mermaids, and deal with a stow-away she never expected… or risk the fate of Visidia and lose the crown forever. 


‣ POV: 1st person, Amora

‣ Summary in Emojis: 🌊🤐🧜🖤🗡️

‣ Trigger and Content Warnings: death, physical and emotional abuse, sexual assual (mentioned), gore, violence

My Thoughts

Is it weird to love a book, not for the main character, but for the side characters? Honestly the heroine, Amora, was pretty boring apart from her magic (which I’ll get to later) but the side characters were fantastic! I adored them all. We had Bastien, the swaggering pirate who had so many intricately hidden layers. Some I guessed, but a few honestly took me by complete surprise! Then we have Vataea who is a mermaid and I wish she’d been introduced earlier because she was amazing, so strong and fierce. She was never really give the time she deserved to become a properly developed character, I would have loved to see more of her, especially because her siren powers sounded so cool but we never really see them. I’m hoping that she gets more of a chance to shine in the sequel!

And then we have Ferrick sigh my favourite of all. Ferrick, who is too good for Amora, and this book really. He was just such a sweetheart. He endlessly struggled on the boat with seasickness but did he complain? No he didn’t! He is Amora’s fiancé and she spends most of her time unnecessarily angry at him about it. Ferrick, who is just trying to make the best out of their rubbish situation, has realised she doesn’t love him but he still tries to protect her anyway. Amora pretty much just uses him for his power (which involves chopping off parts of his body), and is very blasé and unappreciative of how much he really helps her. He deserved better goddamnit! Also it’s stated that it does hurt him when he loses an appendage but does Amora think twice before slicing off his arm? No she does not.

Can you tell I am very Pro-Ferrick?

Onto the magic! I loved how dark and gruesome Amora’s magic was. The ‘beast’ inside of her isn’t really delved into much but I did appreciate how unique her magic was, and how the whole equivalent exchange thing worked. She actually had to work for her magic and I loved that.

Another thing I enjoyed? The sense of adventure! The crew sail to all these different islands and their exploits on the high seas were so much fun to read. In fact, it’s just such a wonderful journey that I didn’t even care when the plot became a bit meandering. I will say this book does lack a certain amount of tension at times. I mean, is there a kingdom in danger? Yes but first lets go to this bar and get drunk! But I still enjoyed these moments because of the character’s antics. Also Ferrick is a cute drunk.

One last thing to say is that I wasn’t a huge fan of the romance. And normally I’m all for a bit of added romance in my fantasy. But this time I felt it was a bit too rushed and there wasn’t enough time given to it for them to properly develop feelings for one another. I actually would have much rather they had stayed friends for this book, and then possibly explored a relationship in the sequel but we’ll see how it plays out in the next one.

All in all I was quite impressed by this debut. All the Stars and Teeth had a lovely cast of characters, a sparkling sense of adventure, and some dark and interesting magic! The ending wraps things up nicely whilst still leaving some questions for the sequel. Luckily I managed to get an ARC of it so I’ll be jumping right into that one next!

Happy Reading!

Lea x

13 thoughts on “Book Review: All the Stars and Teeth by Adalyn Grace

  1. Aaah I really, really love this book! The side characters are definitely my faves too, lol. I’m just weak for Vataea! Lovely review!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I enjoyed this book immensely as well! Sorry you didn’t like Amora, I enjoyed having a fierce main character but oh well! I think Vataea is the best, not sure why, she’s just awesome. Hmm, your thoughts on Ferrick are interesting, I’ve never really thought of him like this before? I guess reading from Amora’s POV has sort of put me on Amora’s side of things but you’re totally right! Though I don’t think that Amora chopped off his whole arm, she chopped off a few fingers. It was Bastian who chopped off his arm, when they were dueling when Ferrick first climbed onto Keel Haul. Still, very painful haha.
    Great review!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I think it was Bastian who chopped off his arm haha. He got chopped up so many times I got confused 😅 I don’t know why I didn’t like Amora more to be honest, I usually like her kind of character but she just didn’t sit right with me 😅 Vataea was awesome though, wish we’d seen more of her!
      And thank you so much for reading! 🧡

      Liked by 1 person

      • Haha true.
        Hmm, interesting. I mean she was definitely a little fast-moving and stuff, I just liked how much she cared about her country and I enjoyed seeing how she tried to help out on the different islands when she saw they were suffering, especially Kerost (honestly last time I read this book was september, that’s the right island name right?)
        Yeah! Hopefully we get to see more of her in book two, I think the author promised that. And congrats on getting that ARC! Ha, I’m jealous but I hope you enjoy! Only two more weeks before I can read it *awaits impatiently*

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      • Yes, Kerost 😂 definitely easy to get all these islands confused! I did like how she helped, but I also got a bit frustrated that she thought she was the best one for the job, even after finding out the truth. I did like how she started on relying on the crew a bit more towards the end. Hoping for some more crew bonding time next book!
        And I’m definitely looking forward to reading All the Tides of Fate! Taking a break to read some romcoms first but then I’m going to hopefully get into it next week 😊 I was very lucky to get accepted, I requested it an hour after it went live on Netgalley 😂

        Liked by 1 person

      • Haha yeah I loved the worldbuilding though! Hmm, I mean I think she just felt really bad that her dad had sorta abandoned the islanders and so wanted to show that she still cared, she didn’t think she was the best for the job. Yesss crew bonding is the best.
        Well I hope you enjoy it! Aaah my daily reminder that I really should get netgalley because it’s so much better than edelweiss thank you haha.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Yeah, I agree!
        Ugh, Edelweiss is super annoying I mean I’ve NEVER gotten approved for ANYTHING. I don’t have thaaaat many followers so that might be it but STILL. I’ve had TERRIBLE luck with ARCs. My friend also keeps telling me to email publishers to ask but I just haven’t gotten around to that…ugh.

        Liked by 1 person

      • It also seems like a lot of work, having to make an argument for why you should get the book 😅 netgalley is a lot smoother! And I’ve never emailed a publisher before, I’d be way too nervous about wasting their time 😬

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      • Uf, it really is. I used to think that like it would be a great way for me to explain why I really want a book and I could write these, like, long paragraphs about why I want it and how awesome the book looks but now I have it and my paragraphs are like, ‘this looks like a really cool book and I love reading books with good diversity. Thank you for considering my request’ so cringey ah. Yeah, I have a friend who keeps telling me I should email publishers but aaaah it seems scary….I think I’ve done it once or twice before. I didn’t get the book either time oops.

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